Disciplinary and Grievance Training

Having staff that are able to handle disciplinary issues in the workplace effectively is crucial for any organisation as is the need to ensure your people know what is expected of them and the (company and legal) rules within which they operate.

Effective disciplinary procedures are an aid to effective management, enabling companies to resolve issues speedily and cheaply rather than being used simply as a mechanism for imposing sanctions.

This course will give delegates a good working knowledge of discipline and grievance procedures which is essential if potentially disruptive issues are to be resolved in the workplace rather than spilling over into a potentially costly employment tribunal.



By the end of the session delegates will be able to:-

  • Understand the importance of preparation
  • Develop a basic understanding of Employment Law
  • How to put into practice when dealing with employee relation issues
  • Identify the skills and knowledge required to conduct investigations
  • Dealing with employee relation issues/using correct process and procedure
  • Develop effective questioning and listening skills
  • Apply a systematic approach to preparing and conducting investigations/disciplinary and grievance hearings